Let's Go: "Falling Before Jesus"

Let's Go  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  56:16
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Main Idea: Faith in Jesus, not just proximity, and divine action leads to great healing.


Let's Go: "Falling Before Jesus"

1 John 3:8

Luke 19:10

I. The Distress of a Father (Mark 5:21-24)

Hebrews 7:25

1 Peter 5:6–7

Luke 2:48

Luke 12:50

Psalm 4:1

Psalm 31:7

II. The Disease of a Woman (Mark 5:24-34)

Leviticus 15:31

Hebrews 11:1

1 John 3:3

1 Peter 3:15

1 Peter 1:13

III. The Death of a Child (Mark 5:35-43)

John 11:4

Hebrews 9:27

IV. Immediately Turn to the Immediate Savior.

Faith Sheet Questions:

1. Read Mark 5:21-43. What did the Lord show you about Himself or yourself?

2. How willing are you to be interrupted? How do you prioritize with all the needs in life?

3. What deliberate steps can you and your church take to lead a person to saving, biblical faith?

4. What does the woman’s healing tell us about the role of physicians and the role of faith?

5. Jesus commended the imperfect faith of the woman. How can we be more encouraging of spiritual babes in our churches without condoning bad theology?

6. Have you been frustrated lately with God’s timing? Explain.

7. How would you respond to someone who urged your family to “have faith in faith”?

8. How do these stories of “incurable” cases encourage us that no person and no situation are beyond Jesus’ ability to restore? Pray for someone.

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